Many thanks to the guys at VanCafe / Rocky Mountain Westy for their hospitality at Customer Appreciation Weekend. I met a bunch of great folks, camped overnight, sat around the fire, ate Cookies (of course) and generally had a good time.

Seems crazy, but this was actually my first camp out of the year. Crazy considering the amount of work that I've put into the van, and the whole purpose is to do go off into the wild. It was great. The van ran without issues the longest I've taken it since changing the water pump, the gear setup and storage decisions turned out to be solid, the new mosquito screens all around including the pop top help out the bugs, and my wife enjoyed it too.
Definitely the BEST thing to bring along for the ride on a Vanagon adventure, is that little 1965 Honda 50! Fits in the back with ease, and the ultimate tootle-around-town fun for two allowing full Vanagon setup without being tied down to the spot.
For more on this wicked little 50 (which isn't a 50 anymore) check out my Youtube video.
Anyhoo. On Sunday morning, Vancafe opened up their doors to let us see around, and had a garage sale of sorts. I'd spent some time at the campfire the night before getting to know Mike Labate, and he pointed out an early version of their low profile oil pan tucked away at the back and gave me a killer deal.
The Subaru Converstion has begun!!!
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